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Commission Info

Thanks for dropping by, let's work together! Here's how we can get started:

Getting in Contact:


The best way to reach me is by email (located on the Contact tab). When reaching out for a commission, please include

  • Your name/organization

  • Desired work done

  • Purpose the work will serve (public consumption, like business cards or flyers? Or personal use, like a holiday card to a friend?)

  • Deadline, if there is one (please note that initially proposed deadlines will have to be subject to change. Once the project is discussed further, I can say with more accuracy when I'd be able to have it done, but I will always try my best to have it completed by your desired deadline)


Getting Started:


Once I receive your email, we can begin discussing the project. Some things you can expect me to ask for include

  • Color scheme (if the finished work is to be printed, it's important to note that most printing companies will charge differently depending on whether the work is full color or black & white)

  • Dimensions

  • Overall "feel" of the work, and any specific elements you'd like included (I may ask you to send me some pieces of inspiration with designs similar to what you're looking for)


Once I'm aware of the workload and intricacy, I will be able to provide a time frame and a more accurate price.




My standard pricing is as follows:


  • Standard greeting/holiday card - $5

  • Personalized greeting/holiday card - $10

  • Business card - $30

  • Flyer - $30

  • Logo - $40

  • Album cover - $60


(Please note that if you're looking for a service I haven't listed, I'm always open to new ideas, just ask me!)


Things that may affect pricing include:

  • A rushed deadline

  • Large alterations during the design process or after the design is finished

  • Desired ownership of the design


I will ask for an initial upfront payment whose amount will depend on the project's full price. For example:

  • For a project $51 and up, I may ask for 25% upfront

  • For a project $21-$50, I may ask for 50% upfront

  • For a project $20 and under, I may ask for the price in full before I begin


I must receive the full upfront payment before I begin. Similarly, once the project is completed, I must receive the remainder of the payment before I will give you access to the finished project.


Payments may be made through PayPal or cash/check through the mail. I will not refund payments once received.


Design Process:


I will start working on the project once the upfront payment is received. As the design progresses, I will give you updates on how it looks. It is important that we stay in contact throughout this design process just in case there's anything in the design that you'd like altered, or if you have any questions/comments.




I reserve the full right to work I have designed. This means I am able to include it as part of my portfolio whether it be physical, digital, and/or online. This also means that unless otherwise discussed, you do not have the right to reprint, redistribute, or resell my work. That being said, if you would like to do any of these things, just ask me and I'm sure we can work something out.


In most cases, if permission to reprint, redistribute, or resell is granted, I will ask that you credit me as the designer and perhaps pay an extra fee/a cut of the profit you make from it. If you want to post my work somewhere, you need my permission to do so.


I will not provide the native files of my work, as if you want something altered, you can simply ask me to do it.

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